Water pollution crossword

  1. 2. where chemicals are pumped through the filtered sewage to clean the bacteria out of it
  2. 4. what happens to marine animals when the water becomes too warm.
  3. 8. water that comes from human activities, like sewage, bath water, and laundry water.
  4. 9. when a body of water becomes rich in nutrients
  5. 11. a large area where farms dump their animal waste
  6. 13. heating surrounding water due to manmade structures, like power plants.
  7. 17. the amount of oxygen a certain amount of water uses at specific temperatures
  8. 18. a water contaminant that harmed people in Flint, Michigan and can get into the system because of pipes.
  9. 19. chemicals that are sprayed onto plants that prevent bugs from getting on them
  10. 20. a natural water contaminant that can be added through mining underground
  11. 21. drugs that enter bodies of water as a result of pee and are turning animals from male to female
  12. 23. a type of bacteria that’s an indicator if there’s human waste in water
  13. 24. when pollution comes from an area like a city or parking lot
  1. 1. the first step in water treatment, where the waste sinks to the bottom and it’s filtered.
  2. 3. an area in water that has little oxygen and life.
  3. 5. the part of a septic system that holds the water underground
  4. 6. a way of cleaning up oil spills that we used during the lab
  5. 7. how Carlsbad treats their water
  6. 10. a species that shows the current state of an ecosystem
  7. 12. a distinct source where pollution is coming from, like factories or oil refineries.
  8. 14. - when a body of water becomes rich in nutrients because of human interaction ex: fertilizers, sewage
  9. 15. underground pipes that are part of a septic system that help filter out contaminants.
  10. 16. if people are connected to a city sewer system, they probably have this to treat their wastewater
  11. 22. an oil spill that happened off the coast of Alaska