Water Pollution Crossword - Isaias Duca

  1. 2. nonchemical pollution that changes the temperature in water because of anthropogenic reasons
  2. 4. naturally occurring in Earth's crust and toxic in drinking water
  3. 5. where most of the oil in the ocean comes from
  4. 8. legislation dedicated to restoring chemical, physical and biological properties in surface waters
  5. 9. PCB's are dubbed the _______ chemicals
  6. 12. harmful chemicals used for rocket fuel
  7. 14. a phenomenon in which a body of water becomes rich in nutrients phosphorus and nitrates
  8. 15. solid waste material from wastewater
  9. 16. continent that produces the largest World Mercury emissions
  10. 20. what is in the lining of old pipes that is toxic to pregnant women and children when drank
  11. 23. medical biowaste that interferes with aquatic endocrine systems
  12. 24. primary contributor to arsenic in stream and groundwater
  13. 25. indicator species for harmful microorganisms in sewage
  14. 26. killing of marine life because of temperature change
  1. 1. method to controlling oil floating on the surface of the ocean
  2. 3. goes through sewage treatment, but for livestock
  3. 6. the standard of safe drinking water
  4. 7. world's largest oil spill
  5. 10. step in sewage treatment plants that aerates the water by adding oxygen
  6. 11. Mississippi river sewage and sediments into this area, causing a ________
  7. 13. ________ reactors use water to generate steam for cooling
  8. 17. cause turbidity in water to increase
  9. 18. beneficial to agriculture, but can be detrimental to unintended in organisms
  10. 19. Alaska tanker oil spill
  11. 21. aquatic top predators have high concentrations of _______ in their bloodstream
  12. 22. pharmaceutical drug with highest % found in streams
  13. 27. type of noise pollution that affects wales