Watergate crossword puzzle of memes and wisdom

  1. 1. Former security director of the committee to re-elect the president who had a role in the Watergate scandal
  2. 5. This team of people were tasked with investigating the leaked publication of the Pentagon Papers
  3. 10. Goofy president involved in the Watergate scandal
  4. 11. "A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful" Source: Google
  5. 13. A goofy president refuses to hand these over to the Senate
  6. 14. The name of this whole operation
  1. 2. A very silly acronym for Nixon's re-election campaign
  2. 3. A coward's way out
  3. 4. Clear your criminal record with this easy trick!
  4. 6. Ex-CIA agent who had a role in the Watergate scandal
  5. 7. An event with this hyperbole of a name occurred on a Saturday night
  6. 8. A group of this type of criminal bugged the phones in Watergate
  7. 9. A government agency involved in the cover-up
  8. 11. Nixon is NOT this, Nixon reports
  9. 12. Another government agency involved in the cover-up