Watershed Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. A small, moving body of water, generally smaller than a river.
  2. 6. The amount of a sub-component in a fixed solution.
  3. 8. Elevated terrain that separates adjacent drainage basin, also referred to as a drainage divide.
  4. 10. General waste water containing fecal excrement, mostly from toilets. May also contain harmful pharmaceutical runoff.
  5. 12. Waste water along with excrement contained in sewers.
  6. 14. Organisms that live and feed off of hosting organisms, contribute to drinking water pollution.
  7. 18. Microorgansims responsible for disease and/or fermentation.
  8. 19. Substances used to protect plants and control pests, one of the largest influences in water pollution.
  9. 21. The process of wearing away of soil through a moving body of water.
  10. 22. General waste water that does not contain fecal excrement.
  11. 23. Harmful substance produced within living cells or organisms, derived from the base word TOXIC.
  1. 1. Pollutant in Earth's air that can cause deterioration of the ozone layer, impair vision, and limit plant growth.
  2. 2. Where the tide meets the stream.
  3. 3. Atmospheric water vapor that falls from the gravitational pull between the earth and clouds.
  4. 5. Substance or energy in the environment that has an undesired, sometimes critical effect.
  5. 7. The source of the stream or river.
  6. 9. River or stream flowing into a larger river or lake.
  7. 11. The deterioration of rocks or soil because of contact with water or atmospheric substance.
  8. 13. Area filled with water, surrounded by land and localized in a basin.
  9. 15. Drugs ingested by humans to deliver morphine-like effects, polluting water by traveling through human excretion or general discard.
  10. 16. Trash, such as bottles or cans, left in a public or generally open place.
  11. 17. The process of materials being dropped off throughout a body of water because of a decrease in speed.
  12. 20. Point in a river or stream where water flows over a vertical drop and/or a series of vertical drops.