Watersheds and Scientific Method

  1. 5. an ecosystem that includes marshes, swamps, and bogs
  2. 7. an educated guess
  3. 8. pollution that washes into rivers from roads, farms, and houses
  4. 9. the low area next to a river which is often flooded
  5. 10. the variable that the scientist changes in an experiment
  6. 12. small streams or rivers that flow into a major river or body of water
  7. 13. the type of pollution that cannot be traced to a single source
  1. 1. an area where freshwater and saltwater meet
  2. 2. the group that does not receive treatment in an experiment
  3. 3. the outcome of an experiment
  4. 4. the variable that is being measured in an experiment
  5. 5. an area of land that drains into a body of water
  6. 6. the nonliving factors in an ecosystem
  7. 7. the source of a river
  8. 11. the cloudiness or clarity of water