Wave Theory

  1. 4. the amount of time it takes for one wave (wavelength) to pass by
  2. 6. a type of mechanical wave that occurs at the boundary between two different media
  3. 9. light one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves often known as ROYGBIV
  4. 11. frequencies lower than human hearing, or less than 20 Hz
  5. 14. the maximum displacement of the medium from its equilibrium position
  6. 16. a type of mechanical wave in which the medium vibrates in a direction perpendicular to the the flow of the wave
  7. 18. one of the two main factors that determine the speed of sound
  8. 20. region of low pressure in a longitudinal wave
  9. 21. a matter filled region
  10. 22. one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves used to look inside objects
  11. 23. the movement of a disturbance such as a wave
  12. 27. whole number multiples of the fundamental frequency that sound nice to human ears
  13. 33. the Greek letter representing the wavelength of a wave
  14. 35. region of high pressure in a longitudinal wave
  15. 37. a type of mechanical wave in which the medium vibrates in a direction parallel to the flow of the wave
  16. 38. the most common form of longitudinal mechanical waves
  17. 39. the physics name associated with the amount of energy or power transferred by a wave over a certain area
  18. 41. one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves causing heat
  19. 42. frequencies higher than human hearing, or higher than 20,000 Hz
  20. 44. of light 300,000,000 m/s
  21. 46. The study of sound waves in physics
  22. 48. the apparent shift of change in frequency do to the relative movement of a sound source
  23. 50. the qualitative and subjective study of sound
  24. 51. the unit used to express the speed of a supersonic object
  1. 1. low point of a transverse wave
  2. 2. a way of saying room temperature, or an average day
  3. 3. unit used to identify the frequency of a wave
  4. 5. the system used to measure the relative loudness of a sound to humans
  5. 7. the number of waves passing by in a certain amount of time
  6. 8. the lowest natural frequency of vibration of an object
  7. 10. objects that travel faster than the speed of sound
  8. 12. objects that travel slower than the speed of sound
  9. 13. one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves causing sunburn
  10. 15. the basic unit of length for a wave's wavelength or amplitude
  11. 17. the primary factor that determines the speed of sound in matter
  12. 19. type of wave that travels faster as the density of a medium decreases
  13. 24. a note/frequency that is double of some previous note/frequency
  14. 25. ray one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves considered the most dangerous
  15. 26. a disturbance that transfers energy without necessarily transferring matter
  16. 28. type of wave that travels faster as the density of a medium increases
  17. 29. a sympathetic vibration of the surrounding caused by sound that results in increased sound volume
  18. 30. the distance from one point on a wave to the next point just like it
  19. 31. oscillations, disturbances, cycles
  20. 32. a line through a transverse wave representing the medium before the wave disturbed the matter
  21. 33. the musical equivalent to loudness or intensity
  22. 34. boom the sound created by the shock wave as it passes over a person
  23. 36. one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves
  24. 40. high point of a transverse wave
  25. 43. space, a region devoid of matter
  26. 45. one of the regions in the electromagnetic spectrum of waves often measured in kHz or MHz
  27. 47. wave the build up of successive waves of sound along the leading edge of a supersonic object's path
  28. 49. the musical equivalent to frequency