Waves and Radiation Year 9

  1. 3. Common source of background radiation. Place where sick people are treated.
  2. 7. A sound wave with a high frequency has a high ______
  3. 10. The units of wavelength and amplitude
  4. 12. Waves such as Light which vibrate up and down
  5. 15. Seismic waves which are longitudinal
  6. 17. Light we use to see
  7. 20. Number of waves in the Electromagnetic spectrum
  8. 21. Particle which is an electron
  9. 22. The longest waves in the EM Spectrum
  10. 25. Use of Ultraviolet Light
  11. 26. Disease caused by too much radiation
  12. 27. Units of radiation dose
  13. 29. Use of gamma rays
  14. 31. The units of Wave Speed
  15. 36. Type of counter to measure radioactivity
  16. 38. The distance from one peak of a wave to the next
  17. 40. How far through a material waves or radiation will pass
  18. 43. Typical background counts per second
  19. 44. The number of complete waves in 1 second
  20. 45. Time taken for half of a radioactive sample to decay
  21. 47. Use of Microwaves
  22. 48. Alpha, Beta and Gamma are types of ____________
  23. 49. Wave which is given out as nuclear radiation
  24. 50. All EM waves travel at the _________ speed
  1. 1. Particle which is a Helium Nucleus
  2. 2. Charge on an Alpha particle
  3. 4. Radiation given out as heat and used in TV Remotes
  4. 5. Gamma waves are only stopped by thick concrete and _____
  5. 6. Alpha Particles are stopped by a few centimetres of air and ______
  6. 8. Waves used for mobile phones and to heat food
  7. 9. Part of the EM spectrum used in Sunbeds
  8. 11. The are seven types of waves in the EM ____________
  9. 13. A sample which gives off Alpha, Beta or Gamma radiation is said to be __________
  10. 14. Thousand Millisieverts which can cause death
  11. 16. Type of waves that are transverse
  12. 18. Waves such as sound which vibrate backwards and forwards
  13. 19. Can by S or P waves
  14. 20. Type of waves that are longitudinal
  15. 23. Radiation around all of the time
  16. 24. EM stands for ____________
  17. 28. Radioactivity from space
  18. 30. The height of a wave
  19. 32. Wavelength x Frequency = _________
  20. 33. Seismic waves which are transverse
  21. 34. Charge on a Gamma wave
  22. 35. Beta particles are stopped by a few mm of __________
  23. 37. Charge on a Beta Particle
  24. 39. The units of frequency
  25. 41. When radiation removes an electron from an atom. The reason why some waves and radiation are dangerous
  26. 42. The time for one complete cycle of a wave
  27. 46. Part of the EM Spectrum used to see bones