Waves and Vibrations

  1. 3. radiation used for imaging
  2. 5. radiation with wavelengths from 1 -380 nm
  3. 7. constructive and destructive are the two kinds of _________ that can happen to waves
  4. 8. a type of vibration that travels at 331 m/s + o.59(air temperature)
  5. 9. the change in direction a waveform experiences when it crosses between two mediums of different densities
  6. 11. an oscillation accompanied by a transfer of energy that travels through space or mass
  7. 13. the property of waves that can oscillate in more than one direction
  8. 15. a type of radiation that is in cooking devices
  9. 16. a type of radiation mainly used for communication
  10. 17. a type of wave that travels at 3.00 x 10^8 m/s
  1. 1. when waves pass through a medium that spreads them apart after passing through it
  2. 2. radiation with an approximate wavelength of 10^-5
  3. 4. the only radiation we can see
  4. 6. when a system causes another system to vibrate at a specific frequency
  5. 10. 3.00 x 10^8 m/s
  6. 12. rays radiation named after the third letter in the greek alphabet
  7. 14. when a wave hits a barrier between two mediums and bounces back in to the medium it was originally in