Ways To Wellbeing 2021

  1. 2. emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
  2. 4. science of eating
  3. 5. feel concern for
  4. 8. this will do you good
  5. 10. expressing action rather than a state of being
  6. 13. The trait of staying aware
  7. 14. emotion of great happiness
  8. 16. being free of illness
  9. 17. moving on foot
  10. 18. a state of extreme happiness
  11. 19. providing incentive
  12. 20. deserve a better fate
  13. 21. Knowledge of a fact
  1. 1. plug into an outlet
  2. 3. particular position of the body
  3. 5. recipe collection
  4. 6. hit the gym
  5. 7. an energetic style
  6. 9. 8 letter word starting with "W"
  7. 11. a pleasant distraction
  8. 12. 7 letter word ending in "E"
  9. 15. Goal of exercise