  1. 3. cell that is characterized by fiery fingers which are formed by cytoplasmic projections.
  2. 4. bodies that appears light blue inclusions near the periphery of the cytoplasm.
  3. 5. derived from inactivated X chromosome;common among women.
  4. 9. cell that is of T cell origin with a convoluted(cerebriform) nucleus.
  5. 11. platelet disorder characterized by giant platelets.
  6. 12. resulted from the incomplete degradation of mucopolysaccharides.
  7. 13. >5 nuclear lobes in neutrophil.
  8. 14. cell that is of T cell origin that has a typical petal shaped nucleus.
  1. 1. characterized by enlarged lysosomal vesicles.
  2. 2. cell that is also called pseudo-LE cell.
  3. 6. red rods or spindle shaped.
  4. 7. granules that is cause by the increase in the staining density among neutrophil.
  5. 8. decreased nuclear segmentation.
  6. 10. cell that has hair-like projections around the outer border of the cell.
  7. 15. neutrophil ingesting a nuclear material of a injured cell.