WCN Financial Unit 2

  1. 3. person at the bank who cashes a check
  2. 4. a person you can hire to help make your budget
  3. 6. amount borrowed in a loan
  4. 10. required by most states if you own a vehicle
  5. 12. a promissory note
  6. 13. interest rates for people with high credit
  1. 1. helps pay for family members with a chronic illness
  2. 2. health insurance you get once you are 65+
  3. 5. person giving check writes this in the bottom right-hand corner
  4. 7. insurance that helps people leave money for family after death
  5. 8. way to keep track of checks written
  6. 9. for profit way to store money
  7. 11. non-profit way to store money