We were liars crossword puzzle

  1. 1. elephant tusk
  2. 3. secret
  3. 4. a group of similar things
  4. 6. use of physical or mental energy
  5. 9. come up with a mental effort
  6. 11. wanting to learn about something
  7. 13. a clearly expressed manner
  8. 18. lying face downward
  9. 19. showing determination
  1. 1. a strong effect
  2. 2. continuing without any interruption
  3. 5. extremely important
  4. 7. mental or physical pain
  5. 8. lacking conscious
  6. 10. putting up with something unpleasant
  7. 12. only concerned about yourself
  8. 14. drop steeply
  9. 15. against the law
  10. 16. very urgent
  11. 17. displaying affection