
  1. 2. a stick with a piece of metal or stone at the end, it hits very hard
  2. 4. a small explosive
  3. 5. a special gun that is made to shoot one bullet long distances
  4. 6. a big and very dangerous bomb
  5. 8. a big weapons that shoots balls
  6. 9. a type of auto gun that can shoot powerful bullets at people
  7. 10. a weapon that can shoot arrows
  8. 13. a powerfull weapon made with two stick and a chain
  9. 14. a long stick with a sharp piece of metal at the end, made to throw and stab
  1. 1. a sharp weapon that can stab and slash
  2. 3. a bomb that can fly long distances
  3. 5. a small sharp piece of metal used to throw
  4. 7. a bomb launcer you can hold on your shoulder
  5. 11. a small sharp weapon that can stab and slash
  6. 12. a weapon that can shoot metal at a high speed
  7. 15. a stick wit a sharp piece of metal at the end