Weapons and Warfare

  1. 2. warfare practiced in ww1
  2. 3. considered as one of the best swords
  3. 4. rifle that won ww2
  4. 6. the weapon that created the largest empire
  5. 8. revoltionary first semi auto handguns maker
  6. 9. gun/ ww2 smg popularised by the mafia
  7. 11. enfeild/ ww2 british rifle used by indian police
  8. 14. the legendary warrior from nepal
  9. 15. rifle with largest head count
  1. 1. indian standard issue rifle made by drdo
  2. 2. metal used to make weapons sturdy and light weight
  3. 4. one of the first hand held guns
  4. 5. an improvised granade
  5. 6. design used to make the first semi automatic
  6. 7. long range nuclear missile
  7. 10. german machine gun
  8. 12. russian anti tank weapopn
  9. 13. machine that broke the trenches