Weather 101

  1. 6. Amount of energy in an object in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin
  2. 8. The process when energy is transferred through fluids
  3. 9. When water is soaked into the ground
  4. 11. Small circles that tell the pressure, temperature, wind speed, etc.
  5. 15. Front that doesn't move
  6. 16. Moves through empty space
  7. 17. The process when energy is transferred through solids
  8. 18. The temperature when a cloud forms
  9. 19. Gas to Liquid
  10. 20. Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, and Methane
  11. 22. What is caused by heat energy being trapped by greenhouse gases
  12. 25. Absorbs energy
  13. 26. If there is less pressure on the cloud, __________ occurs
  14. 27. Line of equal air pressure
  15. 28. The amount of water in the air
  16. 29. mT
  17. 31. The INcoming SOLar radiATION
  18. 33. sucks in air
  19. 38. Cumulus, Cirrus, and Stratus
  20. 39. Type of front that moves very fast
  21. 41. Clockwise; blows out air
  22. 42. Short time atmosphere conditions
  23. 44. mP
  24. 45. Wind blows off the water to land
  25. 47. Energy flows from________ to __________
  26. 49. Liquid to Gas
  27. 50. Evaporation, Condensation, Melting, and Solidification are examples of this
  1. 1. Adding a nine or ten to the last three numbers on a station model
  2. 2. Air with the same humidity and temperature
  3. 3. Low pressure system
  4. 4. Wind blows off the land to water
  5. 5. Cloud cools when this happens
  6. 6. When plants give off water into the air
  7. 7. The amount of air pushing down on you
  8. 10. The boundary between two air masses
  9. 11. Where air masses formed
  10. 12. Wind is measured by this instrument
  11. 13. cA
  12. 14. Side of a mountain that is windy and rainy
  13. 17. cT
  14. 21. Snow, Hail, Sleet, and Rain are examples of this
  15. 23. Mountain side that is dry and calm
  16. 24. Pressure is measured by this instrument
  17. 30. High pressure system
  18. 32. Dew point and Relative humidity are measured by this instrument
  19. 33. Reflects energy
  20. 34. This moves horizontally and is caused by differences in density
  21. 35. How much energy it takes an object to heat up
  22. 36. cP
  23. 37. Average atmospheric conditions over a long time
  24. 40. Front when a cold front overtakes a warm front
  25. 42. Type of front where there is a large area of precipitation ahead of it
  26. 43. How far you can see
  27. 46. A line of equal temperature
  28. 48. A cloud is completely full