
  1. 3. a sudden, local flood due to heavy rain
  2. 6. How hot or cold something is its
  3. 7. was my favorite class
  4. 8. the state or quality of being humid
  5. 9. this students favorite animal
  6. 12. a storm with violent wind, tropical cyclone
  7. 14. quantity of rain falling
  8. 15. where I work
  9. 17. natural electrical discharge for a very short duration
  10. 19. someone who studies weather
  1. 1. the direction in which the wind goes
  2. 2. visible mass of condensed water vapor
  3. 4. favorite food of this student
  4. 5. Indicating the level of discomfort the average human is thought to experience as a result of the combined effects of heat and humidity.
  5. 10. a mobile vortex of violently rotating winds
  6. 11. pressure in the atmostphere
  7. 13. the effect of wind at low temperatures which it feels colder
  8. 16. The removal of preexisting, petty crimes
  9. 18. atmospheric temp. at which water begins to condense