Weather :)

  1. 2. The name of Ivy's cat.
  2. 4. Sudden and with lots of water.
  3. 6. Pressure from the atomosphere.
  4. 10. Needs hot water for energy.
  5. 12. Falls from the sky.
  6. 13. Where Ivy lived for several years.
  7. 14. Can change day-to-day.
  8. 16. Wear a sweater for the ___.
  9. 19. 100% humidity = how cold the air is.
  1. 1. Makes it shady.
  2. 3. Where Ivy wants to live.
  3. 5. What goes up when rain comes down?
  4. 7. Where the air faces.
  5. 8. It's not hot, it's just ___.
  6. 9. Once had sharks inside.
  7. 10. What the temp actually feels like.
  8. 11. Someone who makes hard calculations.
  9. 15. Ivy's favorite subject.
  10. 17. Ivy's dream job.
  11. 18. Electrical discharge.