
  1. 2. direction which way the wind is blowing
  2. 3. what happens when a cloud overflows with water
  3. 6. great shock that takes energy from the ground and releases it into the air with a flash
  4. 8. a person who studies weather
  5. 11. when large amounts of rain draw a concern to meteoroligists
  6. 13. pressure how the pressure is measured by a barometer
  7. 15. point at which point dew is created
  8. 16. tropical storm that brings heavy rain and high winds
  9. 18. front where cold air moves through and pushes out warmer air
  1. 1. index how much the sun is exposed
  2. 2. how the temperature is affected by the wind
  3. 4. The area that can be described when colder air moves down.
  4. 5. front where warm air pushes out cold air and rises
  5. 7. hsrd wood thing with legs
  6. 9. what happens when warm air rises and meets cool air
  7. 10. how much moisture is in the air
  8. 12. a cloud that is so lazy that it never gets up
  9. 14. land storm that brings high winds and funnels clouds
  10. 17. The area that can be described when warmer air moves up.