
  1. 3. The first layer of the atmosphere
  2. 4. Air pressure that brings cloudy skies and warmer temperature
  3. 6. A tool used to measure air pressure
  4. 8. A storm with winds between 39-73 mph
  5. 10. The lookout for possible tornadoes
  6. 14. The process of water vapor cooling
  7. 16. Air pressure that brings clear skies and cool temperatures
  8. 18. A mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and many other gases
  9. 19. Can be seen as rain, snow, sleet, or hail
  1. 1. Another word for Hurricane
  2. 2. A mixture of gases that surround the earth
  3. 5. In order for this to form, heat and air are needed
  4. 7. The alert for a nearby tornado
  5. 9. Water absorbed into the ground
  6. 11. Contains the Ozone layer
  7. 12. A type of wind that is influenced by temperature changes in a small area
  8. 13. The Middle layer of the atmosphere
  9. 15. A scale that indicated the severity of a tornado
  10. 17. The driving force of weather on earth;The main source of heat, light, and energy