
  1. 2. a tool used to measure temperature
  2. 3. low, flat layers of clouds
  3. 6. moving air
  4. 7. a tool used to measure air pressure
  5. 8. scale of temperature where water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees
  6. 10. a tool used to measure how much precipitation has fallen
  7. 11. the continuous movement of water from Earth's surface into the atmosphere and back again
  8. 14. the process of water vapor cooling, turning into liquid water drops
  9. 16. a person who studies and predicts the weather
  10. 18. the force of air pressing down on Earth's surface
  11. 19. puffy clouds with flat bottoms
  1. 1. the process of water changing from a liquid into water vapor, a gas
  2. 4. what the air is like outside at a certain time and place
  3. 5. a measure of how hot or cold something is
  4. 9. rain, sleet, snow, or hail that falls from clouds
  5. 12. a tool used to measure wind speed
  6. 13. a collection of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the air
  7. 15. thin, wispy clouds high above the ground
  8. 17. scale of temperature where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees