
  1. 1. This is when small, hard balls of ice fall from the sky during a thunderstorm. Hailstones can vary in size and can sometimes be as large as golf balls.
  2. 3. This is a prolonged period of dry weather when there is a lack of precipitation. Droughts can cause water shortages, impact agriculture, and create dry and arid conditions.
  3. 6. This is the loud sound that follows a flash of lightning during a thunderstorm. Thunder can be intense and rumbling, and it often adds drama and excitement to stormy weather.
  4. 7. This is when frozen water crystals fall from the sky in the form of white flakes. Snow creates a beautiful, winter wonderland and is often associated with activities like building snowmen and having snowball fights.
  5. 9. This is the time when the sun first appears above the horizon in the morning. Sunrises can be breathtaking and often signify the start of a new day filled with possibilities.
  6. 12. This is a violent, rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the Earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes are characterized by their funnel shape and high wind speeds. They are a powerful and potentially dangerous weather phenomenon.
  7. 13. This is when water falls from the clouds in the form of droplets. Rain is essential for plants and helps to keep the environment hydrated. It can create a soothing sound and is often associated with feelings of coziness.
  8. 14. This is a sudden flash of light in the sky caused by electrical discharge during a thunderstorm. Lightning can be bright and dazzling, illuminating the sky for a brief moment.
  9. 15. This is a prolonged period of excessively hot weather. Heatwaves can bring high temperatures and can sometimes be accompanied by drought conditions. It's important to stay hydrated and take precautions during heatwaves.
  10. 17. These are fluffy masses of condensed water vapor that float in the sky. Clouds can take various shapes and sizes, and they can block the sun or bring rain or snow.
  1. 1. This is a large and powerful tropical cyclone characterized by strong winds and heavy rainfall. Hurricanes can cause significant damage and are known for their distinct circular shape.
  2. 2. This is a weather event that includes rain, thunder, lightning, and sometimes strong winds. Thunderstorms can be intense and exciting, and they often bring a mix of rain and electrical activity.
  3. 4. This is the time when the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening. Sunsets can create a beautiful array of colors in the sky and often mark the end of the day.
  4. 5. This is when the sky is bright and filled with warm, yellow light. Sunshine makes everything look bright and cheerful, and it often brings feelings of happiness and warmth.
  5. 8. This is the movement of air in the atmosphere. Wind can be gentle, creating a pleasant breeze, or strong and powerful, causing things to sway or creating a sense of movement.
  6. 10. This is a beautiful arc of colors that appears in the sky after rain, caused by the refraction and reflection of sunlight in water droplets. Rainbows are often seen as a symbol of hope and happiness.
  7. 11. This is a severe winter storm characterized by strong winds, heavy snowfall, and low visibility. Blizzards can create whiteout conditions and make travel difficult or dangerous.
  8. 16. This is a thick cloud that forms near the ground, reducing visibility. Fog can make the surroundings appear hazy and mysterious, and it often creates a sense of calm and stillness.