
  1. 3. Any type of solid or liquid water that falls from the atmosphere and reaches the ground
  2. 4. Moving air
  3. 8. Water vapor in the atmosphere
  4. 10. The condition of the atmosphere at any moment in time
  5. 11. A storm with spiraling winds that forms over the ocean
  6. 13. Funnel shaped cloud of swirling winds that reaches down to the ground
  7. 14. The 6 main wind patterns around the world
  8. 16. The measurement of distance above sea level
  9. 17. Hot air instantly expanding and cooler air rushes in with a crash
  1. 1. Winds that happen in a small area or place
  2. 2. A thin blanket of gases that surrounds the earth
  3. 4. Prediction of future weather patterns
  4. 5. Happens when a large, warm air mass quickly rises above a cold air mass
  5. 6. A large body of air with the same temperature and moisture
  6. 7. The weight of air
  7. 9. Scientists who study the atmosphere and weather
  8. 12. Boundary between air masses
  9. 15. Friction in clouds that creates a type of static electricity
  10. 16. Mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere