- 2. A day when snowflakes are falling and covering the ground.
- 4. A day with very high temperatures, making it feel warm.
- 7. A day with many clouds covering the sky.
- 8. A day with low moisture content in the air, making it feel comfortable.
- 10. A day with temperatures below zero degrees Celsius, causing ice to form.
- 11. A day when thick clouds are near the ground, reducing visibility.
- 1. A day with clear skies and bright sunshine.
- 2. A day with heavy rain, thunder, and lightning.
- 3. A day with strong winds blowing through the air.
- 4. A day with slightly reduced visibility due to suspended particles in the air.
- 5. A day with very low temperatures, making it feel chilly.
- 6. A day with high moisture content in the air, making it feel sticky and damp.
- 9. A day when rain is falling from the sky.