  1. 7. instrument to measure temperature/fever
  2. 8. day and month
  3. 11. number of degrees in the air
  4. 13. tool
  5. 14. low temperature after a hot day
  6. 15. place
  7. 17. day with storm
  8. 19. day with wind
  1. 1. present, happening now
  2. 2. how it feels outside
  3. 3. a feeling of not too hot
  4. 4. low temperature
  5. 5. what is going to happen with the weather tomorrow
  6. 6. instrument to measure wind speed
  7. 9. instrument to measure air pressure
  8. 10. when the clouds cover the sun, it's...
  9. 12. not 100%
  10. 16. day with sun
  11. 18. day with rain