
  1. 4. a grey stratus cloud with light steady rain or snow
  2. 6. when any form of water falls from a cloud
  3. 8. when cold air is coming in
  4. 10. rain, rain that freezes after it hits the ground
  5. 13. where liquid water heats to water vapor
  6. 14. the thin wispy clouds
  7. 15. most common precipitation
  8. 16. rain that freezes before it hits the ground
  9. 17. ice chunks (precipitation)
  10. 18. white puffy clouds
  1. 1. where water vapor cools to a liquid (cloud)
  2. 2. the most abundant gas
  3. 3. a type of cloud that has layers
  4. 5. a front where both air masses are stagnant
  5. 7. when warm air is coming in
  6. 9. the second most abundant gas
  7. 11. a grey cumulus cloud with heavy precipitation
  8. 12. a boundary line where 2 air masses meet