- 4. WHen it's very hot we can say that it is ___________
- 5. When there is a lightning storm, the sound you hear is this
- 7. When it's raining, if you don't have an umbrella you will ____ _____
- 8. When it's very cold, we could say that it is ___________
- 12. When someone predicts the weather, this is called a ____________
- 13. We use this to describe the temperature when it is not hot but not cold
- 1. When it doesn't rain water, but ice balls fall from the sky
- 2. It's the scale that we use to measure temperature
- 3. Normally when this happens the air is white and it is difficult to see
- 4. A gentle wind
- 6. winds When there is a lot of wind, this can be described as _______________
- 9. When it's winter and the temperature goes below zero degrees, the lake is ____
- 10. When thereĀ“s very strong wind, this is called a _______
- 11. It is called this when there is thunder, lightning and sometimes heavy rains