
  1. 1. a collection of water droplets in the sky
  2. 2. liquid precipitation
  3. 4. how fast air is moving
  4. 6. thunderhead cloud
  5. 7. force exerted on a surface by the air above it
  6. 11. puffy cloud that resembles a cotton ball
  7. 12. dark cloud that covers the entire sky
  8. 14. tool for reporting health effects of air
  9. 15. layer of Earth's atmosphere where weather occurs
  10. 16. the conditions of the troposhere at a certain time
  11. 18. amount of evaporated water in the atmosphere
  1. 1. wispy cloud made of ice crystals
  2. 3. distance you can see based on weather conditions
  3. 5. scale for measuring temperature
  4. 8. frozen rain droplets
  5. 9. long-term pattern of weather for a given area
  6. 10. any form of water that falls from the atmosphere to Earth
  7. 13. soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky when it is cold
  8. 17. balls of ice
  9. 19. Ultraviolet