Weather and Natural Disasters

  1. 3. natural disaster; when water levels rise up onto normally dry ground from too much rainfall
  2. 5. weather; the sound created when electricity from a cloud strikes the ground
  3. 6. natural disaster; when the earth is burning
  4. 9. weather; when water freezes into ice crystals that fall down to earth and cover the ground
  5. 10. both; winds in areas that get heavy rainfall
  6. 11. both; dirty air created by pollution from cars and factories
  7. 12. weather; when it's warm outside
  8. 14. weather; when water is evaporated from the ground into the air
  9. 16. weather; what it looks like when there is lots of clouds in the sky
  10. 17. both; when pressure over the ocean makes a huge storm with strong wind and dangerous weather, called a typhoon in some regions
  11. 18. weather; a very intense snow storm
  12. 20. both; happens when pressure in the air makes wind spin in a circle really fast
  13. 22. natural disaster; when the ground starts slipping away because where it is becomes unstable or too wet
  14. 24. weather; what blows through the air
  1. 1. natural disaster; an opening in the earth that hot ground can erupt from
  2. 2. weather; when charges differences in a cloud make electricity move around
  3. 4. both; a period of time where the ground gets really dry from lack of rainfall
  4. 7. natural disaster; when parts of the ground move in relation to each other and make the earth shake
  5. 8. weather; when clouds are dense enough to float down to the ground
  6. 9. weather; what it looks like outside on a cloudless day in the daytime
  7. 12. weather; when rain freezes on its way to the ground, forming solid chunks
  8. 13. natural disaster; a huge wave
  9. 15. weather; when snow or hail unfreezes and refreezes on the way to the ground
  10. 16. weather; when temperatures are really low
  11. 19. natural disaster; when snow on a mountain becomes unstable and starts slipping away in a huge pile
  12. 21. weather; precipitation or water falling from the sky
  13. 23. both; what fills the air when stuff is burning