Weather and natural disasters

  1. 3. Horizontal, band-like cloud formations.
  2. 5. Begins as an invisible channel of electrically charged air moving from the cloud toward the ground.
  3. 8. Transparent, whitish veil-like clouds with a hair-like or smooth appearance.
  4. 9. A spiral column of thunderstorms that causes mass destruction.
  5. 10. When the sky is filled with clouds.
  6. 15. Atmospheric moisture with a warm temperature.
  7. 20. Hard balls of ice falling from clouds.
  8. 21. When the sun is out and the sky is clear.
  9. 22. When rocks and land slide down a steep surface.
  10. 25. A spiral arrangement of thunderstorms.
  11. 26. Water falling from clouds.
  12. 27. Formed when the light is refracted after coming across two rain showers which have distinct sizes of raindrops.
  13. 32. A negative stepped leader that travels downward through the cloud, followed by an upward traveling return stroke.PositiveCloud-to-GroundLightning
  14. 36. Gray or bluish cloud sheets or layers of striated or fibrous clouds that totally or partially cover the sky.
  15. 37. When or tides cause water to rise in an area it's not meant to.
  16. 39. Overwhelming cold weather that occurs suddenly.
  17. 40. A large-scale magnetic eruption causing a solar flare.
  18. 43. A circle of light rainbow in the sky.
  19. 47. There is a net transfer of positive charge from the cloud to the ground.
  20. 48. Form in the same way as rainbows, but are formed by much smaller cloud and fog droplets that diffract light extensively.
  21. 49. The thunderstorm cloud, this is a heavy and dense cloud in the form of a mountain or huge tower.
  22. 50. Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate filaments, mostly in patches or narrow bands.
  23. 53. A halo that looks like a second sun.
  24. 54. Bolts from the sky that cause fires.
  25. 56. Thin and white, these clouds look like a patchy sheet or layer arranged somewhat-regularly into grains or ripples without shading.
  26. 57. Snow blown around by wind in the freezing cold.
  27. 58. White frozen rain falling from clouds.
  28. 59. Clouds looking like bubbles.
  1. 1. A deficiency in rain over a large period, causing dryness in the land.
  2. 2. Underwater ice stalactites.
  3. 4. Sand blown around by the wind.
  4. 6. When a mountainous peak erupts in lava and fire.
  5. 7. A build-up of electrical charge in clouds.
  6. 10. A never ending lightning storm.
  7. 11. Light rain.
  8. 12. Resulting from thickening altostratus, this is a dark gray cloud layer diffused by falling rain or snow.
  9. 13. Formed by the double reflection of sunlight inside raindrops and are between 130 degrees and 127 degrees in width.
  10. 14. When the sun is high allowing its light to pass through high-altitude cirrus clouds.
  11. 16. A violently rotating column of air.
  12. 17. An extremely cold climate with snow blowing rapidly around.
  13. 18. Rumbling coming from the sky.
  14. 19. When light hits rain causing an optical illusion of colors in the sky.
  15. 23. Atmospheric nighttime events characterized by gusty winds, a rapid increase in surface temperature, and a decrease in surface dewpoint associated with a dissipating thunderstorm.
  16. 24. When snow and ice fall down a steep slope, causing mass distruction.
  17. 28. A tornado that forms over water.
  18. 29. Moist air causing restrictions on sight.
  19. 30. The discharge between areas of cloud without the discharge channel reaching the ground.
  20. 31. A mass fire in the wild that spreads swiftly.
  21. 33. When it gets unbearably hot for a bit.
  22. 34. Ice formations on the ground.
  23. 35. Dirt mixed with wind that blows it around.
  24. 38. Lightning looking like a ball that can move.
  25. 41. A type of rainbow whose color spectrum is based on a single color, usually red.
  26. 42. Precipitation that evaporates before reaching the ground.
  27. 44. Gray or whitish patchy, sheet, or layered clouds that almost always have dark tessellations, rounded masses, or rolls.
  28. 45. Sudden movement along faults within the Earth that make the ground rumble.
  29. 46. White and/or gray patchy, sheet, or layered clouds generally composed of laminae, rounded masses, or rolls.
  30. 51. A rainbow is caused by the Sun shining on moisture droplets.
  31. 52. A chilly temperature that makes you wear a coat.
  32. 55. A giant wave that causes flooding.