Weather and natural disasters

  1. 1. It happens when snow and ice start to melt because temperature has increased.
  2. 2. It takes place when it is really cold and the ground, windows etc are covered with a white layer of what looks like snow.
  3. 3. The day is like that when there is mist and we can’t see things in a distance.
  4. 6. The day is like that when there is not a single cloud in the sky.
  5. 9. This natural disaster happens when a big amount of snow falls from a mountain or a hill and covers people, houses and objects
  6. 11. Takes place when it is very hot especially in summer time.
  7. 16. It is very heavy rain.
  8. 17. The day is like that when it is rather cold and it is uncomfortable because we have dress warmly.
  9. 18. These are frozen drops of rain.
  10. 19. The day is like that when there is not sunshine and it’s cloudy.
  1. 1. Destructive windstorm occurring over land that destroys everything on its way.
  2. 4. When the day is cloudy the sky is like that.
  3. 5. It is a natural disaster when a huge ocean wave covers some area and destroys it and makes people drown.
  4. 7. It happens when a mass of earth, rocks etc slides down a mountain, often due to heavy rainfall.
  5. 8. This is a severe snowstorm with heavy snowfalls.
  6. 10. It is a storm with violent wind that happens in western North Pacific.
  7. 12. A natural disaster when It hasn’t been raining for some time and there is a severe shortage of water for people, plants and animals.
  8. 13. The day is like that when the sunshine is very strong.
  9. 14. Temperatures are like that when they are extremely hot.
  10. 15. A natural disaster when there has been heavy rainfall and as a result rivers burst their banks and everything is covered with water.