Weather and natural/manmade disasters

  1. 2. Ice pellets drop from clouds.
  2. 4. Water freezes into snowflakes.
  3. 6. When a region suffer from not raining.
  4. 8. When snow and rain mix together.
  5. 10. When a huge wave collapse on buildings.
  6. 12. When two faults collide with each other.
  7. 15. Wind turns into a whirl and forms a __.
  8. 16. When humans fish too much.
  9. 17. water droplets fall from the sky.
  10. 19. When snow falls down a mountain.
  11. 20. Mists forming from water droplets.
  1. 1. electricity forming from the different charges between the ground and the cloud.
  2. 3. When the underground formation of land becomes weak and sinks down.
  3. 5. When huge pieces of rocks fall due to gravity, rain or other forces.
  4. 7. When a tornado absorb water, it turns into a __.
  5. 9. When magma rises to the top of a mountain and erupts.
  6. 11. When the water deposit from rain overflows.
  7. 13. Hot and cold air forms __.
  8. 14. When dry wood catches on fire.
  9. 18. Forms when the sun reflects onto water droplets and creates colors.