Weather and Season

  1. 2. coldest season, brings freezing temperatures, snow, and ice with it
  2. 5. a yearly period of low rainfall, especially in the tropics
  3. 6. a lot of sunshine
  4. 9. we use in rainy season
  5. 11. cloudy or murky
  6. 13. the warmest season
  1. 1. composed of snow or melted snow
  2. 2. the condition of the atmosphere in one area at a particular time
  3. 3. the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs
  4. 4. the season after summer and before winter
  5. 7. the season after winter
  6. 8. antonyms of the word cold
  7. 10. the sound caused by lighting
  8. 12. not cool and not cold