Weather and Season

  1. 2. the leaves change color int this season
  2. 3. in winter the weather is ...
  3. 4. this is the first month of winter
  4. 6. you go to the beach in this season
  5. 8. this is the last month of summer
  6. 10. it snows in this season
  7. 11. you plant flowers in this season
  8. 12. in Summer the weather is ...
  1. 1. in spring the weather is ...
  2. 3. before it rains, the sky usually ...
  3. 4. in our country there are rainy season and ... season
  4. 5. we use an umbrella to when it is ...
  5. 6. the sun shines when the weather ...
  6. 7. this is the first month of spring
  7. 9. there are ... season in a year