Weather and Seasons

  1. 3. Strong winds.
  2. 4. A flash of bright light in the sky produced by electricity.
  3. 6. A heavy fall of liquid.
  4. 7. The warmest season of the year.
  5. 9. A brief and usually light fall of rain.
  6. 10. It is drops of water that fall from the sky.
  7. 13. A prolonged period of abnormally hot weather.
  8. 15. The season when trees start to turn brown.
  9. 16. A severe snowstorm with high winds.
  1. 1. When the weather is very damp, and usually very hot.
  2. 2. A strong, dangerous wind that turns itself into a spinning cone.
  3. 3. The coldest season of the year.
  4. 5. Predict or estimate a future event (normally weather).
  5. 7. The season when flowers usually bloom.
  6. 8. A storm with thunder, lightning, and usually heavy rain.
  7. 11. A gentle wind.
  8. 12. High Temperature.
  9. 14. Low temperature.