Weather Bam!!

  1. 1. - A calendar that uses astronomical information and weather data. Almanacs list tide data, give the positions of the stars and forecast weather each day.
  2. 3. Storm Warning - It’s issued when hazardous winter weather is occurring or is likely over a specific area. Hazardous winter weather includes heavy snows, blizzards, ice storms, freezing rain, freezing drizzle and sleet.
  3. 4. - An intense winter storm with winds of 35 m.p.h. or higher
  4. 6. Chill Advisory - It’s issued when winds of 10 m.p.h. or greater are expected to create wind chill factors of 30 degrees below zero or more.
  5. 8. - The shaking or movement of a portion of the Earth's surface.
  6. 10. - Water that forms on objects close to the ground when its temperature falls below the dew point of the surface air.
  7. 11. - The change of water vapor to liquid water, as when fog or dew forms.
  8. 15. Borealis - It’s often called the "northern lights". It occurs 50 to 100 miles above the earth, when energetic particles from a solar storm cause the gases in the upper atmosphere to glow. Auroras can last between a few minutes to several hours. It’s common across Alaska and northern Canada.
  9. 17. - The season of the year that occurs after summer and before winter. Autumn officially begins in late September.
  10. 18. Sky - When the sky has no cloud
  11. 19. - A weather instrument that measures the wind speed.
  12. 20. - A prefix to cloud-type names for clouds generally found between 3000 and 7000 meters. Alto comes from the Latin word meaning "middle".
  13. 21. - A period when a region has a lack of rainfall. Droughts can affect a fairly small area for a season or an entire continent for years.
  1. 2. - A large body of snow, ice or rock and debris sliding down a mountain. Worldwide, about one million snow avalanches occur per year.
  2. 3. Side - The side of an object that is facing into the direction that the wind is coming from.
  3. 5. - Light rain consisting of water droplets that are very small.
  4. 7. Point - The temperature at which water starts to condense out of a particular air mass. The dew point temperature changes only when the moisture content of the air changes. The higher the dew point, the greater the moisture content is in the air.
  5. 9. - A high-pressure system that moves in a clockwise motion. These bring you sunny skies.
  6. 11. Clouds - Fluffy, mid-level clouds that develop in towering shapes and signal fair weather.
  7. 12. Air - An air mass that originates over Canada and brings us cold temperatures.
  8. 13. Flow - It’s when the winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere blow from coast to coast with little or no deviation. In other words, the jest stream creates a straight line.
  9. 14. Wind - A wind that changes its direction in a counter clockwise motion. For example, a northwest wind changing to a west wind.
  10. 16. - A layer of gases surrounding a planet.
  11. 17. Clipper - A fast-moving low pressure system that occurs during the winter and sweeps southeast from Alberta, Canada, across the northern Great Plains and Midwest of the United States. These storms usually bring a few inches of snow.