- 1. Having a low temperature/ frio
- 6. White or gray mass of very small drops of water or ice that float in the sky/ nuvem
- 7. A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing
- 10. Extremely hot
- 14. Cold but not freezing
- 15. Something between cool and hot
- 18. Cloudy, not bright and sunny
- 19. Typical of winter, windy and snowy
- 20. Drops of water that fall from clouds/ chuva
- 21. Not cloudy or foggy
- 23. A slight rain/ garoa, chuvisco
- 24. Extremely cold
- 25. A mixture of snow and rain
- 1. Slightly cold/ fresco
- 2. Having a high temperature/ quente
- 3. Air pollution caused by smoke, gases or chemicals mixing with fog
- 4. Bright because of light from the sun
- 5. A severe snow storm with strong winds/ nevasca
- 8. Brief rain or light fall of snow/ pancada de chuva
- 9. A flash of bright light in the sky produced by electricity moving within or between clouds, or between clouds and the ground
- 11. The sudden loud noise that comes after a flash of lightning
- 12. A sudden light fall of snow
- 13. An extreme weather condition with strong winds and heavy rain or snow/ tempestade
- 15. The movement of air
- 16. Not very cold as usual
- 17. Small balls of ice that fall from the sky/ granizo
- 22. A light and pleasant wind/ brisa
- 24. A mass of cloud consisting of small drops of water near the surface of the earth/ neblina