Weather disasters

  1. 1. In dry climates in the middle of the summer, windy conditions make conditions ideal for the onset of which natural disaster?
  2. 5. Cyclones are officially known as '...' Cyclones.
  3. 6. What is the name given to a violently rotating column of air over land?
  4. 7. Which cyclone occurred in Darwin in 1974?
  5. 8. Severe prolonged rainfall may lead to which natural disaster?
  1. 2. In the USA, a cyclone are better known as ...?
  2. 3. Which cyclone occurred in North Queensland in 2011?
  3. 4. An area that has not had any rainfall for a sustained period may be impacted by which weather disaster?
  4. 6. In Asia, a cyclone are better known as ...?