Weather Words

  1. 2. Thick water vapor that blocks one's vision
  2. 3. When the sky is blue because no clouds are blocking the sun
  3. 6. Rain that freezes as it falls
  4. 9. Person who studies weather patterns
  5. 10. Ice crystals on a frozen surface
  6. 11. Drops of water falling from clouds
  7. 15. Frozen water that warms slightly as it falls to earth
  8. 17. Measurement for temperature
  9. 18. Band of colors found in the sky after a rainfall
  10. 20. High temperature
  11. 21. Weather that includes a loud noise after lightning, caused by rapid expansion of air super-heated by the lightning
  12. 22. Measurement of temperature (0 degrees is freezing/100 is boiling)
  13. 23. Tropical storm with very strong wind and rain of the Western North Atlantic
  14. 24. Heavy, dark cloud cover caused by pollution
  15. 26. How warm or cold the air is
  16. 27. Snow on the ground that has been rained on
  17. 29. The expected weather for the future
  18. 32. Water in the sky that appears as a white or grey mass
  19. 33. Single measurement of rain
  20. 35. radar Tracking system that measures the direction and speed, or velocity, of objects such as drops of rain
  21. 37. A storm with lots of snow and wind
  22. 38. Spring, Summer, Fall
  1. 1. Small pieces of ice that fall during a storm
  2. 2. Very light snowfall
  3. 4. Rain or snow that falls on an area
  4. 5. pressure Force exerted by the atmosphere at a given pointalso known as the "weight of the air"
  5. 7. Electrical discharge and flash between a cloud and the ground
  6. 8. Violently spinning windstorm
  7. 10. Boundary separating two masses of air of different densities, and is the principal cause of meteorological phenomena outside the tropics
  8. 12. Time of year characterized by certain weather
  9. 13. Long period with no rainfall
  10. 14. Measurement of temperature (32 degrees is freezing/212 is boiling)
  11. 16. Instrument for measuring the temperature of the air
  12. 19. Moisture in the air
  13. 25. Raining slightly
  14. 28. Quick or light rainstorm
  15. 30. Having no warmth
  16. 31. Tropical storm of the Western Pacific and China seas
  17. 32. Temperature in between warm and cold
  18. 34. No sun is visible
  19. 36. Blowing air outside
  20. 37. Light wind
  21. 38. Not hot, not cool