  1. 2. a body of water temporarily covering dry land.
  2. 3. droplets of water.
  3. 7. a powerful swirling storm.
  4. 9. the occurrence of temperatures cold enough to kill all but the hardiest vegetation.
  5. 12. a gigantic electric spark in the sky.
  6. 13. the movement upward to air or other gases.
  7. 14. a macro-scale storm along the upper east coast of the united states and Atlantic ocean.
  8. 16. the act of gathering into a heap or pile.
  9. 18. instrument used to lift scientific instruments high into the atmosphere.
  10. 19. an air like fluid substance.
  11. 21. the flow of air along latitude circle.
  12. 23. band of fast moving currents.
  13. 24. process where rock and soil are broken and moved to another location.
  14. 26. a great body of water.
  1. 1. the weather of a place averaged over a length of time.
  2. 4. detects tiny particles.
  3. 5. falling products of condensation in the atmosphere.
  4. 6. the absence of light.
  5. 8. a flash of light.
  6. 10. a violent cyclone.
  7. 11. whirling mass of water.
  8. 15. a shaking of the earths surface.
  9. 17. snow that contains particles of sand.
  10. 20. a disturbance in atmosphere.
  11. 22. precipitation that consists of drops of water.
  12. 25. once part of rivers called glaciers.