
  1. 5. Formed by the cold, moisture, and warm air rising/cold air sinking.
  2. 9. ____ is the day-to-day conditions of a certain place.
  3. 11. A word that describes air with a lot of water vapor.
  4. 13. Gases are made up of ______ and atoms.
  5. 15. What atmospheric layer does a shuttle fly?
  6. 16. ____ is the weight of the atmosphere pressing on the earth
  7. 17. ____ is the average weather conditions over a long period of time.
  8. 18. Has warm/cold air, moisture, and unstable air.
  9. 20. The atmospheric layer meteors occur.
  1. 1. Has a lot of moisture, light wind sheer, near equator, and warm water around 80 degrees.
  2. 2. What layer is called the middle atmosphere.
  3. 3. Large/strong updraft for rain to cool off and down draft due to strong winds.
  4. 4. The atmosphere is a mixture of?
  5. 6. The instrument that measures air pressure?
  6. 7. Gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
  7. 8. Humans live in the _____ layer.
  8. 10. Whirling mass of warm, moist air.
  9. 12. Whirling mass of cool, dry air.
  10. 14. Atoms and molecules have this.
  11. 19. Formed by supercell up drafting and down drafting.