
  1. 2. the influence of earths rotation on an object that move over earths surface
  2. 4. a condition of the atmosphere in which the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal
  3. 5. clouds that look like a sheet over the sky and usually mean precipitation
  4. 6. puffy white clouds with darker bases usually appear in fair,warm weather
  5. 8. gasses such as carbon monoxide and methane that absorb and give off infrared radiation
  6. 10. the outer layer of gases of a large body in space such as a planet or star; a mix of gases that surround the solid earth
  7. 12. the condition of earths atmosphere at a particular time and place
  8. 14. liquid water that falls to earth
  9. 16. rain that has come more acidic than normal due to pollution
  10. 17. rain rain that freeze's when it hits the ground or another surface and coats the surface with ice
  11. 18. small pellets of ice that form when rain passes through a layer of cold air and freezes before hitting the ground
  1. 1. a wind that changes direction with the seasons
  2. 2. thin wispy clouds that usually mean fair weather or a storm is approaching
  3. 3. dark puffy clouds means rain is coming or is here
  4. 7. a wind that flows in the upper troposphere that flow from west to east
  5. 8. the process by which certain gases in a planets atmosphere that absorb and emit infrared radiation
  6. 9. winds that travel long distances in steady pattern over several weeks
  7. 11. a tropical low pressure storm, system with sustained winds of 74mph or more
  8. 13. layered lumps or ball of ice that fall from cumulonimbus clouds
  9. 15. a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases that from the atmosphere