
  1. 2. the big ball of fire in the sky
  2. 3. too much snow
  3. 5. a fluffy puff of water in the air
  4. 7. a ball of ice that falls from the sky
  5. 9. this blows your hat away
  6. 11. when there are many bolts and lots of rain and wind
  7. 12. this is like fog, it's very soft and makes things look blurry
  8. 13. it is usually blue and sometimes it is cloudy
  9. 14. below 0C
  10. 16. the sky crying on you
  11. 17. there's no water and everything is terrible
  12. 18. a lot of water is everywhere
  1. 1. a pool of water on the ground
  2. 4. one drop of the sky's tears
  3. 6. Thor (토르) makes this with his hammer; a big bright flash in the air
  4. 7. lots of balls of ice falling from the sky
  5. 8. an ice dagger hanging from your roof
  6. 10. it is too hot for many days
  7. 13. soft and pretty white stuff that blankets earth in winter
  8. 15. a beam of light from the sun