
  1. 2. the front that is formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front and displaces it upward in an are are of low pressure.
  2. 3. the conditions that control the climate of an area, including but not limited to latitude, elevation, topography, and prevailing winds.
  3. 8. the transfer of heat or another form of energy from one particle of a substance to another.
  4. 9. front the boundary at which air flowing away from the polar regions collides with warmer air from the lower latitudes.
  5. 10. the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere, characterized by decreasing temperature with altitude.
  6. 12. the layer of the Earth's atmosphere that extends from the troposphere to the mesosphere; concentrations of ozone cause temperatures within the stratosphere to increase with altitude.
  7. 13. an area in which the barometric pressure is greater than that of the surrounding air.
  8. 14. the layer of the Earth's atmosphere that extends from the stratosphere to the thermosphere, characterized by decreasing temperatures.
  9. 18. the rate at which unsaturated air cools as it rises, about 10 degrees Celsius for every kilometer.
  10. 21. a line of thunderstorms that occurs ahead of a front, often preceded by strong winds.
  11. 22. a high-altitude air current forms a narrow band of very strong westerly winds flowing above the middle latitudes; travels up to and beyond 400 kilometers per hour.
  12. 23. steady winds that blow across the equator, from about 30 degrees north latitude to about 30 degrees south latitude.
  13. 24. the boundary between two dissimilar air masses, neither of which is displacing the other, usually resulting in cloudy weather and mild temperatures.
  1. 1. the transfer of heat energy in a liquid or gas through the circulation of currents of heated particles within the substance.
  2. 3. the boundary between an advancing cold air mass and the warm air mass it is displacing.
  3. 4. the portion of the thermosphere between about 90 and 500 kilometers above Earth, where the air is highly ionized due to the effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  4. 5. wind of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean that changes direction seasonally, from the northeast from November until March and the southwest from April until October, when it is accompanied by heavy rains.
  5. 6. an area in which the barometric pressure is lower than that of the surrounding area.
  6. 7. the boundary between an advancing warm air mass and the colder air it is displacing.
  7. 11. the rate at which saturated air cools as it rises; varies from about 5 degrees Celsius per kilometer to about 9 degrees Celsius per kilometer.
  8. 15. effect the effect of Earth's rotation that cause the deflection of moving objects toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
  9. 16. latitudes the are between about 30 degrees and 60 degrees latitude, where surface winds are determined by the locations of transient high- and low-pressure systems.
  10. 17. the transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves.
  11. 19. winter storm characterized by winds exceeding 56 kilometers per hour, temperatures of 27 degrees Celsius of lower, and falling or blowing snow that reduces visibility.
  12. 20. winds, such as the trade winds and polar easterlies, that usually blow from the same direction.