
  1. 2. a powerful tropical storm that develops in the Atlantic Ocean
  2. 3. a natural electric discharge from clouds
  3. 5. rain, snow, sleet, or hail that comes down from the sky
  4. 11. a column of rapidly spinning wind that comes down from a cloud
  5. 12. a mass of mud carried in an avalanche caused by blowing wind
  6. 14. a blanketing cloud that resembles a gray sheet
  7. 15. a hard, solid form of precipitation
  8. 16. tiny ice crystals that are packed together
  9. 17. a liquid form of precipitation
  10. 19. low, puffy clouds
  1. 1. an anvil shaped cloud that brings heavy precipitation
  2. 4. the movement of air in the form of blowing
  3. 6. the stage where liquid water turns into gas water
  4. 7. rain that is made acidic from pollution
  5. 8. a cloud that brings light precipitation
  6. 9. what we call a stratus cloud that hits the ground
  7. 10. high, wispy clouds
  8. 13. a colorful arch of colors made as a result of rain
  9. 18. a mixture of rain and snow