
  1. 3. Wind blows from the land out to the water, occurs at night
  2. 5. Energy that travels across distances in the form of certain types of waves
  3. 6. The process by which a gas changes to a liquid
  4. 10. Found between the Trade Winds and the Prevailing Westerlies, area of poor winds
  5. 12. Winds found between 30 and 60 degrees latitude
  6. 14. An istrument that measures air pressure in the atmosphere
  7. 15. A process by which a substance changes from its liquid state to its gas state by random particle movement
  8. 16. "Straited layer," 10 - 50 kilometers from Earth, contains ozone layer, gets hotter as you go up
  9. 18. The force of air molecules pushing on an area
  10. 21. "Charged particles," disrupt AM radio signals, especially at night
  11. 22. The temperature at which air with a given amount of water vapor will reach saturation
  1. 1. The horizontal movement of air caused by differences in air pressure
  2. 2. Found at both poles, from 65 latitude and above
  3. 4. Any type of liquid or solid water that falls to Earth's surface, such as rain, snow, or hail
  4. 7. Imaginary line around center of Earth (0 degrees latitude), divides Earth into 2 halves
  5. 8. Wind blows from the water toward the land, occurs during the day
  6. 9. The amount of water vapor in the air
  7. 11. A wind that flows in the upper troposphere from west to east over vast distances at great speeds
  8. 13. A condition of the atmosphere in which the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal
  9. 17. "Heat layer," extends from 90 - 400 kilometers, extreme hot temperatures
  10. 19. The transfer of energy from place to place by the motion of gas or liquid
  11. 20. Windless zone found at the equator