
  1. 2. a large body of air that forms over a land mass or large body of water
  2. 4. water vapor in the atmosphere condenses to form clouds
  3. 5. high altitude clouds; made of ice crystals
  4. 6. an instrument used to measure air pressure
  5. 8. puffy cotton-ball clouds; seen on clear, warm days
  6. 10. low layer clouds; dark; sometimes bring light rain
  7. 13. plants release water as a gas
  8. 15. an instrument used to measure water vapor in the air
  9. 16. all the particles of air pressing down on the surface of the earth
  10. 17. water vapor in the air
  11. 18. the border where 2 air masses meet
  1. 1. water changing from liquid to a gas
  2. 3. clouds towering dark clouds; rain on its way
  3. 4. water is stored in lakes, rivers, and oceans
  4. 7. the layer of air that surrounds our planet
  5. 9. water that flows over the ground
  6. 11. water falls to the ground in the form of rain, sleet, snow and hail
  7. 12. an instrument used to measure wind speed
  8. 14. an instrument used to measure precipitation