
  1. 3. the prosses of carrying rocks away
  2. 6. ripping a small layer
  3. 7. water making small channels
  4. 9. vertical section of the soil
  5. 11. weathered soil deposits that are transported from one place to another by natural
  6. 14. Dig down deep into any soil and you'll see that it is made of layers, or horizons
  7. 15. denigrating rocks down
  1. 1. material which is derived from rock bedding and has not undergone transportation
  2. 2. dirt
  3. 4. causes rocks to crumble
  4. 5. breaks down rocks
  5. 8. When oxygen combines with an element or compound
  6. 10. leaving something somewhere
  7. 12. landform created by water
  8. 13. Freeze then thaw, breaking the rock