weathering, erosion, mass wasting

  1. 10. the type of climate in which feldspar would weather the most due to hydrolysis.
  2. 12. the pile of rocks at the base of a cliff due to frost heaving
  3. 13. caused by the burrowing and growing of plants and animals
  4. 14. an acid formed when atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater
  5. 16. the breaking up of rock due to the expansion of water when it freezes
  6. 18. downslope movement of material due to gravity
  7. 19. a tough mineral, very resistant to mechanical and chemical weathering.
  8. 20. weathering which does alter the rock chemically
  9. 21. fracturing of rock due to a release of pressure
  10. 22. the breakdown of rocks due to physical and mechanical processes.
  11. 23. chemical weathering that can occur when rocks contain the iron
  12. 24. those that work to build or create new formations of rock.
  1. 1. water, wind, gravity, and ice
  2. 2. rocks are cracked by the growth of salt crystals
  3. 3. how fast a rock will weather
  4. 4. this mineral is most susceptible to chemical weathering by hydrolysis
  5. 5. a clay mineral
  6. 6. feldspar is weathered to clay during this type of weathering
  7. 7. the movement of weathered material from the site of weathering
  8. 8. the mechanical wearing and grinding of rock due to friction and impact
  9. 9. as rocks become rounded due to abrasion, the weathering rate ___________.
  10. 11. weathering which does NOT alter the rock chemically
  11. 15. those forces that destroy or tear down existing formations
  12. 17. the pieces of rock that break off due to frost heaving