Web Design Unit 1

  1. 1. / This is the standard Hyper Text Markup Language file extension
  2. 6. / Programs that you use to write letters, edit images, browse the internet are all examples of ______ software
  3. 8. / Extremely small dots that make up the pictures on a computer screen
  4. 10. / A form that outlines the conditions required to use a school, work, or public network
  5. 12. / your operating system is also known as _____ software
  6. 15. / An additional component that is used to take some of the video processing load off the processor, thus improving the performance of your computer
  7. 16. / The lowest color value on the RGB scale
  8. 18. / Devices such as speakers, printers, that return information to the user
  9. 21. / This is the standard windows text file / HTML editor
  10. 22. / Teporary memory used to store information currently being used by the CPU and is cleared when the computer is turned off
  11. 23. / Refers to the relationship and distance of objects on your page
  12. 25. / Basic web formatting language
  13. 28. / a design plan for assuring quality
  14. 31. / updates your operating system that help it interact with the hardware
  15. 32. / Permanent memory that does not change
  16. 33. / A software program that lets you view HTML websites
  17. 34. / This color scheme consists of colors that are directly next to the base color on the color wheel
  18. 35. / Maintaining the same layout and style on all the pages on your website
  19. 36. / A ______ card is a computer component that enables your computer to connect to a wired network
  20. 37. / The coordinating component that processes all the information from the input devices
  21. 39. / A simple program that lets you edit HTML files
  22. 40. / This term refers to proper etiquette when communicating online and using any type of network system
  1. 2. / Devices that receive information and send data to the CPU for processing.
  2. 3. / Components such as the keyboard, printer, monitor are all considered
  3. 4. / This color scheme consists of different values of the same color hue
  4. 5. / Devices that receive information and send data to the CPU for processing
  5. 7. / HTML uses these to tell your web browser how to format text or what to insert into your web page
  6. 9. / ROM and RAM would be considered ______ memory
  7. 11. / A _____ network card allows you to connect your computer to radio based wifi signals
  8. 13. / The resulting color elvel of mixing 2 primary colors in equal amounts.
  9. 14. / The degree of difference between various objects on your web page
  10. 17. / A menu on the browser that allows you select and view web documents
  11. 19. / This color scheme consists of two colors directly across from each other on the color wheel
  12. 20. / You should learn to use the ____ to protect your person information when using social networks
  13. 24. / A site structure which resembles a pyramid
  14. 26. / The ______ _______ serves to interact between the computer hardware and the application software
  15. 27. / Hard drives, flash drives, SD cards are all considered ______ memory
  16. 29. / a specific group of individuals to whom your website will appeal
  17. 30. / This is the title of an email and should always be included
  18. 38. / This is the button in a browser that updates a web page