Web Technology

  1. 3. The style setting which changes the colour of objects in a website
  2. 4. The abbreviated name of the language used to make websites
  3. 5. A type of website which changes its content
  4. 6. The tag used to add text to a web site
  5. 10. The style setting which changes the size of text on a web page
  6. 12. The tag used to add an image to a website
  7. 13. The tag which defines when website code starts
  1. 1. The tag which creates the section of website code where all the content goes
  2. 2. The tag used to create the largest title, or heading on a website
  3. 3. A computer which requests a website from a web server
  4. 6. The tag used to create the second largest title, or heading on a website
  5. 7. The style setting which changes the font of text on a web page
  6. 8. The abbreviation for the language used to style a website
  7. 9. A computer which provides services for other, such as distributing websites
  8. 11. The tag used to create a hyperlink
  9. 12. The tag which contains all of the style code in a website file